Get Meeting Qualities
Get quality data for a meeting, by meetingId
. Only organization administrators can retrieve meeting quality data.
Query Parameters
Unique identifier for the specific meeting instance. Note: The meetingId
can be obtained via the Meeting List API when meetingType=meeting. The id
attribute in the Meeting List Response is what is needed, for example, e5dba9613a9d455aa49f6ffdafb6e7db_I_191395283063545470
Limit the maximum number of media sessions in the response.
Offset from the first result that you want to fetch.
Response Properties
The meeting identifier for the specific meeting instance.
The display name of the participant of this media session.
The email address of the participant of this media session.
The date and time when this participant joined the meeting.
The date and time when this participant left the meeting.
The join meeting time of the participant.
The type of the client (and OS) used by this media session.
The version of the client used by this media session.
The operating system used for the client.
The version of the operating system used for the client.
The type of hardware used to attend the meeting
A description of the speaker used in the meeting.
The type of network.
The local IP address of the client.
The public IP address of the client.
The masked local IP address of the client.
The masked public IP address of the client.
A description of the camera used in the meeting.
A description of the microphone used in the meeting.
The server region.
The video mesh cluster name.
The video mesh server name.
Identifies the participant.
Identifies a specific session the participant has in a given meeting.
The collection of downstream (sent to the client) video quality data.
The sampling interval, in seconds, of the downstream video quality data.
The date and time when this video session started.
The date and time when this video session ended.
The percentage of video packet loss, as a float between 0.0 and 100.0, during each sampling interval.
The average latency, in milliseconds, during each sampling interval.
The pixel height of the incoming video.
The frames per second of the incoming video.
The bit rate of the incoming video.
The incoming video codec.
The incoming video jitter.
The network protocol used for video transmission.
The collection of upstream (sent from the client) video quality data.
The sampling interval, in seconds, of the upstream video quality data.
The date and time when this video session started.
The date and time when this video session ended.
The percentage of video packet loss, in float between 0.0 and 100.0, during each sampling interval.
The average latency, in milliseconds, during each sampling interval.
The pixel height of the outgoing video.
The frames per second of the outgoing video.
The bit rate of the outgoing video.
The outgoing video codec.
The outgoing video jitter.
The network protocol used for video transmission.
The collection of downstream (sent to the client) audio quality data.
The sampling interval, in seconds, of the downstream audio quality data.
The date and time when this audio session started.
The date and time when this audio session ended.
The percentage of audio packet loss, as a float between 0.0 and 100.0, during each sampling interval.
The average latency, in milliseconds, during each sampling interval.
Not applicable to audio.
Not applicable to audio.
The bitrate of the incoming audio.
The codec of the incoming audio.
The incoming audio jitter.
The network protocol used for video transmission.
The collection of upstream (sent from the client) audio quality data.
The sampling interval, in seconds, of the upstream audio quality data.
The date and time when this audio session started.
The date and time when this audio session ended.
The percentage of audio packet loss, as a float between 0.0 and 100.0, during each sampling interval.
The average latency, in milliseconds, during each sampling interval.
Not applicable to audio out.
Not applicable to audio out.
The bit rate of the outgoing audio.
The audio codec.
The outgoing audio jitter.
The network protocol used for video transmission.
The collection of downstream (sent to the client) share quality data.
The sampling interval, in seconds, of the downstream content sharing data.
The date and time when this content sharing session started.
The date and time when this content sharing session ended.
The percentage of content sharing packet loss, as a float between 0.0 and 100.0, during each sampling interval.
The average latency, in milliseconds, during each sampling interval.
The height in pixels of the incoming share video.
The frame rate of the incoming share video.
The bit rate for the incoming share video.
The codec for the incoming share video.
The jitter for the incoming share video.
The network protocol used for video transmission.
The collection of upstream (sent from the client) share quality data.
The sampling interval, in seconds, of the upstream content sharing data.
The date and time when this content sharing session started.
The date and time when this content sharing session ended.
The percentage of content sharing packet loss, in float between 0.0 and 100.0, during each sampling interval.
The average latency, in milliseconds, during each sampling interval.
The height in pixels of the outgoing share video.
The frame rate of the outgoing share video.
The bit rate of the outgoing share video.
The codec of the outgoing share video.
The jitter for the outgoing share video.
The network protocol used for video transmission.
Device resources such as CPU and memory.
The average percent CPU for the process.
The max percent CPU for the process.
The average percent CPU for the system.
The max percent CPU for the system.
Response Codes
The list below describes the common success and error responses you should expect from the API:
Code | Status | Description |
200 | OK | Successful request with body content. |
201 | Created | The request has succeeded and has led to the creation of a resource. |
202 | Accepted | The request has been accepted for processing. |
204 | No Content | Successful request without body content. |
400 | Bad Request | The request was invalid or cannot be otherwise served. An accompanying error message will explain further. |
401 | Unauthorized | Authentication credentials were missing or incorrect. |
403 | Forbidden | The request is understood, but it has been refused or access is not allowed. |
404 | Not Found | The URI requested is invalid or the resource requested, such as a user, does not exist. Also returned when the requested format is not supported by the requested method. |
405 | Method Not Allowed | The request was made to a resource using an HTTP request method that is not supported. |
409 | Conflict | The request could not be processed because it conflicts with some established rule of the system. For example, a person may not be added to a room more than once. |
410 | Gone | The requested resource is no longer available. |
415 | Unsupported Media Type | The request was made to a resource without specifying a media type or used a media type that is not supported. |
423 | Locked | The requested resource is temporarily unavailable. A Retry-After header may be present that specifies how many seconds you need to wait before attempting the request again. |
428 | Precondition Required | File(s) cannot be scanned for malware and need to be force downloaded. |
429 | Too Many Requests | Too many requests have been sent in a given amount of time and the request has been rate limited. A Retry-After header should be present that specifies how many seconds you need to wait before a successful request can be made. |
500 | Internal Server Error | Something went wrong on the server. If the issue persists, feel free to contact the Webex Developer Support team. |
502 | Bad Gateway | The server received an invalid response from an upstream server while processing the request. Try again later. |
503 | Service Unavailable | Server is overloaded with requests. Try again later. |
504 | Gateway Timeout | An upstream server failed to respond on time. If your query uses max parameter, please try to reduce it. |
Query Parameters
- meetingIdstringRequiredUnique identifier for the specific meeting instance. **Note:** The `meetingId` can be obtained via the Meeting List API when meetingType=meeting. The `id` attribute in the Meeting List Response is what is needed, for example, `e5dba9613a9d455aa49f6ffdafb6e7db_I_191395283063545470`.
- maxnumberLimit the maximum number of media sessions in the response.
- offsetnumberOffset from the first result that you want to fetch.
{ "items": [ { "meetingInstanceId": "e5dba9613a9d455aa49f6ffdafb6e7db_I_191395283063545470", "webexUserName": "John Andersen", "webexUserEmail": "", "joinTime": "2020-04-10T17:00:00.000Z", "leaveTime": "2020-04-10T17:02:00.000Z", "joinMeetingTime": "5.793", "clientType": "Teams_Mobile_Client (iOS)", "clientVersion": "", "osType": "mac", "osVersion": "Version 10.14.6 (Build 18G3020)", "hardwareType": "mac book", "speakerName": "MacBook Pro Speakers", "networkType": "wifi", "localIP": "", "publicIP": "", "maskedLocalIP": "", "maskedPublicIP": "", "camera": "FaceTime HD Camera", "microphone": "External Microphone", "serverRegion": "San Jose, USA", "videoMeshCluster": "Mesh Cluster One", "videoMeshServer": "", "participantId": "8635cbf0ca1a4573b27348e560679b25_I_158174534545967299_57", "participantSessionId": "3324C9D0-9EA7-45A2-B249-5B62A384AFEF", "videoIn": [ { "samplingInterval": 60, "startTime": "2020-04-10T17:00:00.000Z", "endTime": "2020-04-10T18:00:00.000Z", "packetLoss": [ 0.01, 0.1, 0.05 ], "latency": [ 60, 5, 10 ], "resolutionHeight": [ 90, 90, 90 ], "frameRate": [ 25.940001, 21.040001, 18.84 ], "mediaBitRate": [ 51880, 74519, 55285 ], "codec": "H.264 BP", "jitter": [ 170, 130, 40 ], "transportType": "UDP" } ], "videoOut": [ { "samplingInterval": 60, "startTime": "2020-04-10T17:00:00.000Z", "endTime": "2020-04-10T18:00:00.000Z", "packetLoss": [ 0.01, 0.1, 0.05 ], "latency": [ 60, 5, 10 ], "resolutionHeight": [ 90, 90, 90 ], "frameRate": [ 25.940001, 21.040001, 18.84 ], "mediaBitRate": [ 51880, 74519, 55285 ], "codec": "H.264 BP", "jitter": [ 4, 6, 4 ], "transportType": "UDP" } ], "audioIn": [ { "samplingInterval": 60, "startTime": "2020-04-10T17:00:00.000Z", "endTime": "2020-04-10T18:00:00.000Z", "packetLoss": [ 0.01, 0.1, 0.05 ], "latency": [ 60, 5, 10 ], "resolutionHeight": [ 90, 90, 90 ], "frameRate": [ 25.940001, 21.040001, 18.84 ], "mediaBitRate": [ 51880, 74519, 55285 ], "codec": "Opus", "jitter": [ 4, 6, 4 ], "transportType": "UDP" } ], "audioOut": [ { "samplingInterval": 60, "startTime": "2020-04-10T17:00:00.000Z", "endTime": "2020-04-10T18:00:00.000Z", "packetLoss": [ 0.01, 0.1, 0.05 ], "latency": [ 60, 5, 10 ], "resolutionHeight": [ 90, 90, 90 ], "frameRate": [ 25.940001, 21.040001, 18.84 ], "mediaBitRate": [ 51880, 74519, 55285 ], "codec": "Opus", "jitter": [ 4, 6, 4 ], "transportType": "UDP" } ], "shareIn": [ { "samplingInterval": 60, "startTime": "2020-04-10T17:00:00.000Z", "endTime": "2020-04-10T18:00:00.000Z", "packetLoss": [ 0.01, 0.1, 0.05 ], "latency": [ 60, 5, 10 ], "resolutionHeight": [ 90, 90, 90 ], "frameRate": [ 25.940001, 21.040001, 18.84 ], "mediaBitRate": [ 51880, 74519, 55285 ], "codec": "H.264 BP", "jitter": [ 4, 6, 4 ], "transportType": "UDP" } ], "shareOut": [ { "samplingInterval": 60, "startTime": "2020-04-10T17:00:00.000Z", "endTime": "2020-04-10T18:00:00.000Z", "packetLoss": [ 0.01, 0.1, 0.05 ], "latency": [ 60, 5, 10 ], "resolutionHeight": [ 90, 90 ], "frameRate": [ 25.940001, 21.040001, 18.84 ], "mediaBitRate": [ 51880, 74519, 55285 ], "codec": "H.264 BP", "jitter": [ 4, 6, 4 ], "transportType": "UDP" } ], "resources": [ { "processAverageCPU": [ 6, 8, 6 ], "processMaxCPU": [ 14, 15, 14 ], "systemAverageCPU": [ 19, 21, 18 ], "systemMaxCPU": [ 27, 36, 30 ] } ] } ] }